Letting go of grief

Grief recovery and how to get your life back

Has your heart been broken?

Feel better following divorce, death, break-up, pet-loss or any other kind of loss.


Grief is a natural and human emotion following a loss – whether it be a death, a divorce, a significant relation, a loss of a job, of a pet or a major change in your life – such as a move. 

How to recover from grief
In the course of 8 weeks with 8 individual sessions and homework, you will learn step by step how to complete the actions necessary to recover from grief. It is not a support chat nor is it counselling or therapy. 


It is a powerful, dynamic, sensible and accessible programme that is genuinely for anyone willing to take the necessary actions to help themselves. 


The programme is task based with weekly homework assignments using the Grief Recovery Handbook as the reference book. 

tegning af halvt hjerte og halvt hjerne.

Having completed the programme, you may discover that you

  • feel better and ‘lighter’

  • sleep better

  • have become yourself again

  • have let go of all the draining thoughts

  • have found peace of mind. 

Call for more information  +45 26 18 61 90. I will look forward to talking to you so that you can move on in YOUR life. 

The grief recovery process

Throughout the programme we will be using the book The  Grief Recovery Handbook which you can order either through me or through Amazon.

As homework you will be reading some of the chapters before our meeting and you will be given home work as well. 


I keep our conversations confidential and it’s important to me that you feel safe. Should you wish to join a group training, we have a rule that what we talk about stays in that room. Forever. 

Scientific evidence

The GRM program is an evidence-informed, practice-based program that has been shown to effectively influence components of grief and grief recovery. Read the study here



  • “When I experienced 7 losses in 3 years, it was this program that helped begin to lift the weight that just kept getting heavier. Your clients are in good hands.”

  • “It far exceeded anything I thought possible”

  • “…you’ve helped me get through my grief relating to both my mother and my former partner. The combination of conversations and exercises has really been very efficient and it has kept me on the path of relating to my grief. I never thought I’d come out stronger on the other side, but I have – thanks to your help…”

  • “It changed my life”

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The Grief Recovery Method is recognised by: 

  • BACP – British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy, UK

  • National Counselling Society, UK

  • National Association of Social Workers, USA

  • National Association of Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Counselors (NAADAC), USA

  • Veteran’s Education Benefits, USA

  • Australian Counselling Association, Australia

  • Various churches and hospices in both the US and the UK

How to get help

1:1 8 weekly sessions either in person or online 
Single sessions talking about your loss – for relief
Coming up: Online grief groups. Interested? Drop me a line
Would you like more information? You’re always welcome to book a free initial call – click here

About Mette

A common denominator throughout my career has been people and how they both understand each other and let their talents come out and shine. I do this through coaching, career counselling, grief recovery, improving self-worth and teaching.

With my background as an MA in English and Communications, I’ve worked as a communications advisor for many years. In additon, I hold certifications within the Enneagram, different kinds of coaching as well as an Advanced Grief Recovery Specialist.

When I’m not coaching or helping people recover from grief, I co-train research scientists in leadership in international workshops.

I’m passionate about

  • creating better and more authentic leaders
  • supporting men and women in their personal leadership – to be able to choose and decide in accordance with their own values and wishes.
  • helping people remove all the mental clutter that makes it difficult to be truly authentic
  • helping people with love – either saying goodbye with dignity and respect – or to welcome it with an open and un-cluttered hearts.
Kvinde med briller kigger op og holder kop i hånden på gelænder.

What has been said about me

“You’re competent, trustworthy and good at creating the trustful space. 

You ask the right questions and I feel safe with you. Thank you.”